Non Sequitur
Video on the Way!
In the mean time, here's some video from Nelson Ledges ChumpCar race in 2011 :
April, 2012
A broken axle sidelines TNS while running 2nd overall after 13 hours. Full session videos online.
May, 2010
Team Non Sequitur takes 1st Place in the extreme weather ChumpCar race at the Nashville Superspeedway.
October, 2009
TNS places in the top 10% in a jam-packed Lamest Day of Nelson.
April, 2009
Check out the Heros page to see what a REALLY BAD weekend at the track looks like.
Also, check out the Arc Angel page to see our favorite welder helping with the car.
April, 2009
posts their story from last years event in Toledo. TNS is again featured prominently (00:11).
September, 2008
Team Non Sequitur featured prominently in a LeMons recap in The New York Times (00:37 and 01:19).
May 29, 2007
The team is formed over beer and pizza.
April, 2012
A broken axle sidelines TNS while running 2nd overall after 13 hours. Full session videos online.
May, 2010
Team Non Sequitur takes 1st Place in the extreme weather ChumpCar race at the Nashville Superspeedway.
October, 2009
TNS places in the top 10% in a jam-packed Lamest Day of Nelson.
April, 2009
Check out the Heros page to see what a REALLY BAD weekend at the track looks like.
Also, check out the Arc Angel page to see our favorite welder helping with the car.
April, 2009
posts their story from last years event in Toledo. TNS is again featured prominently (00:11).
September, 2008
Team Non Sequitur featured prominently in a LeMons recap in The New York Times (00:37 and 01:19).
May 29, 2007
The team is formed over beer and pizza.